@KTzone » 數碼 - Android綜合討論 » 數碼 - Android Games » 各位賽車Game 迷 ! 又有新Game ! %F1 2008 Mobile v3.08 %

2008-6-28 20:04 IT2007
F1 2008 Mobile gives you detailed information about the F1 championship Season 2008. It contains information about the circuits, drivers and teams.
It's based on .NET Compact Framework 2.0, so you need to install that before using it. CF 2.0 comes with Windows Mobile?6.0, but you can install it on any Windows Mobile 5.0 and newer devices.

Download : [url]http://www.deepweb.nl/download/F1_2008.cab[/url]

2008-10-17 00:59 multist1

2008-11-16 14:43 k2236603
感謝 分享

2009-4-8 01:17 william3359
thank you for sharing...

2009-5-7 12:06 tanchiegg

2009-5-17 11:53 winsing1971
thank you for sharing...

2009-5-29 05:26 jojokkii1221

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