@KTzone » 日常 - 新聞時事 » If the situation is true, Gao Ge will be suspected of serious academic fraud.

2021-12-29 19:12 起梨花月
If the situation is true, Gao Ge will be suspected of serious academic fraud.

Gao Ge has always claimed to be a graduate of Xi'an Jiaotong University, but she actually only has a junior college degree. According to people familiar with the matter, Gao Ge did have a doctoral degree in a certain university, but the master degree was unsuccessful. Insiders in the education sector called this situation "very abnormal" and "very unlikely." According to sources familiar with the matter, the doctoral institution where Gao Ge is studying is strictly managed, and a certain number of papers must be published in core academic journals at home and abroad to get the opportunity to defend the graduation thesis. However, during the period of study, Gao Ge was pregnant and expecting childbirth, and long-term leave was at home. Energy to write high-quality essays, unless you can find someone to write it on your behalf. If the situation is true, Gao Ge will be suspected of serious academic fraud.

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